When Stress Damage our Teeth

We know the effects of stress on cardiovascular disease or skin problems, but what about teeth? Can stress cause damage in our mouth?


Who has never cringed or gritted their teeth by going through an unpleasant situation? If it's one-off it's not a problem, but if it becomes chronic it's more of a nuisance.

The bruxism is the fancy word to describe this bad habit that can be dangerous for teeth lres but also for your muscles and jaw joints. It is also very annoying for your couple because the squeaking noises at night are unbearable for each other.


When you grind your teeth , you slide the tooth surfaces together, squeezing very tightly. The enamel, the protective and insulating layer of the tooth wears out. There are sometimes losses of impressive substances which cause sensitivities to hot and cold.

The pressures exerted are so strong that it can also lead to the fracture of the tooth. Initially the dentist may observe micro cracks but if the tooth is already weakened by a large amalgam, it can go as far as splitting.

To exert such pressure, it is the muscles of the jaws that work. The result when you wake up is tightness, difficulty opening your mouth, pain in the cheeks or headaches (some chewing muscles hang on the skull at the temples).


When you clench your teeth very hard, it puts pressure on the joints between the jaws and the skull. When you open and close your mouth, the tip of the lower jaw, shaped like a small ball, slides into a hollow in the skull.

In between, there is a cartilage that acts as a shock-absorbing cushion. Clenching or grinding your teeth compresses the joint and prevents it from functioning properly.

The small shock absorber pad can be crushed or shifted, it hurts, cracks or slams in the joint. People can even have tinnitus , that extremely unpleasant whistling in the ear ...


At night, it is possible to set up a transparent gutter which clips onto the upper jaw.

This protects the teeth from wear and tear, it is the plastic that takes hold and not the teeth.

This helps to decompress the joint and thus reduce joint and muscle pain.

For those who clench their teeth but without making them cringe, usually this happens during the day, it is possible to act directly. Just being aware of this bad habit is already a big step because people can spot it and loosen their jaws.


Biting nails or small skin are also behaviors of stressed people . Biting your nails can also crack tooth enamel and damage the gums.

One of the tricks used to stop, is varnish with a bitter taste. Losing this habit is all the more important as the underside of the nail is a reservoir of microbes with which it is possible to become contaminated.


In times of stress, the immune system is less efficient and defending itself against bacteria and viruses is more complicated, it is one of the potential risks of stress on oral health.

Certain bacteria present in the mouth can attack the gums and the bone that supports our teeth. By lodging in the dental plaque that is deposited on the teeth after a meal, these bacteria, then in contact with the gums, can attack it.


It becomes red, swollen and bleeds, it's gingivitis . If you do nothing, the bacteria can then attack the bone. They destroy it little by little, it is periodontitis which can eventually lead to loosening of the teeth . It is very annoying because bone loss is irreversible.

In times of stress, the immune system fights bacterial attacks less well, which favors the appearance or progression of these diseases. For the people concerned, it is necessary to be extra careful and vigilant about hygiene to limit the risks and have their gums checked by the specialist.

At the same time, it is also important to solve the basic problem which is stress. Managing stress can be learned, but not at the dentist!

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