What is Myopia? What are the symptoms of Myopia?



It is an eye defect that means seeing the near clearly as well as not being able to see the distance.

Myopia is a Latin origin word as "closed eye". The reason for this is evaluated by squinting the eyes while trying to see into the distance.

The most important thing in myopic symptoms is the loss of clarity and blurring of distant objects.

The front part of the eyeball is longer in diameter than the back.

Myopia arises because of this difference. Because the eye lens has difficulty in refracting the images of the objects completely

After a certain distance and it becomes difficult to see because there is no clear image. Myopia disorders can occur differently.

  • Axial Myopia: It occurs when the back and front parts of the eyeball are of separate length.
  • Keratocunus: Occurs because the eyeball is of equal length but the cornea is upright.
  • Iatrogenic Myopia: It occurs with the formation of nuclear cataracts that occur with age.
  • Transient Myopia: It occurs with the effect of fasting blood sugar and continuous use of some drugs.

Myopia symptoms

Myopia symptoms usually occur for a hereditary reason.

Situations such as overuse of the eye do not cause any deterioration. It occurs when the images fall on the front of the retina.

It can be seen as the symptoms of any other disease due to some eye diseases. It can be considered that the genetic factors are the only factors or the eyes are damaged due to long-term work.

Myopia defect can be improved by wearing glasses for a certain period of time or can be operated with laser therapy.

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