Risk of Heart Attack During Sexual Activity

Some diseases cause very important side effects in the long term. Some of these extend to the sexual life of the person, causing problems in relationships and loss of trust, while others require serious medical treatment. Our blog tells about the effects of diseases on sexual health.


Common diseases in US have side effects that lead to impairment in sexual functions. Urology Specialist Prof. Dr. Halim raises our awareness on issues related to different areas, ranging from what kind of sexual health problems diseases can cause and interesting information. Here are the effects of diseases on our sexual health.


MS; It is a central nervous system disease consisting of the brain and spinal cord that disrupts the functions of the brain such as seeing, speaking and walking.

Sexual problems caused by neurological changes are common in this disease. These difficulty in achieving and maintaining an erection, ejaculation problems and reluctance, libido and orgasm problems in women, and vaginal dryness.

Other changes such as stress and depression, bladder-bowel problems, fatigue and decreased muscle strength caused by the disease also negatively affect sexual life.

Studies conducted on people with MS reveal that the rate of these patients having sexual problems reaches 40-80% in women and 50-90% in men. While sexual function problems can occur with the progression of the disease, it can also be the first sign of the disease in some cases.

Bladder dysfunctions are seen in these patients as a result of nerve damage in the pelvic area. The risk of urinary incontinence during sexual activity distances many patients from sexuality. Many methods, from drug therapy to psychological therapy, are used to solve the sexual problems experienced by MS patients.

Oral medication is also seen as a viable option. It is stated that the most important point in solving the sexual problems experienced by MS patients is to find the right treatment combination. Because people with MS can feel psychologically depressed and extremely tired.


Prostate diseases are one of the most common health problems encountered by middle-aged and older men.

These patients experience complaints such as frequent urination, intermittent urination, feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, urination at night, difficulty in urinating, and sudden need to urinate.

This situation causes the sexual life of the patients to be negatively affected. The man who has urinary problems may encounter sexual desire problems by being afraid that this happens during sexual intercourse.

Premature ejaculation can be seen in advanced cases, as the concern that it will not be successful causes erection problems in men. Benign prostate enlargement is usually treated by medication or surgery. Some medications can cause back emptying into the bladder in some patients.

This problem can even lead to infertility, especially in men who want to have children. Some drugs can cause erectile dysfunction and reduce sexual desire. It is observed that such problems occur in laser applications and open prostate surgeries.

Hormone therapy in prostate cancer or "orchidectomy" surgery in which the testicles are surgically removed can lead to loss of sexual desire. In this respect, it is very important for the prostate patient to know that they may experience sexual problems during treatment.

It is seen that if women convince their husbands and direct them to the doctor, it provides more successful results in the treatment applied to men.


Diabetes is defined as a serious disease that disrupts erection functions by causing both nerve and vascular damage.

Sexual problems can develop in diabetes that continues uncontrolled for many years. However, it is up to the person not to let the sexual problems caused by diabetes reduce the quality of life.

Erectile dysfunction can occur with the progression of diabetes, and it can also be the first symptom in some patients.

Erectile dysfunction occurs earlier in diabetic men compared to healthy men. Half of the patients diagnosed with diabetes have erectile dysfunction 10 years after the diagnosis.

In addition, men with diabetes are three times more likely to have erectile dysfunction than healthy men.

Vascular and nerve damage commonly seen in diabetes, It means that the infections in the urinary tract and vagina increase and the patient is psychologically affected by this situation.

Reduced orgasm sensation, inability to enjoy, back ejaculation towards the bladder or delayed ejaculation are also among the problems experienced in diabetes.

Since the risk of urinary tract infection increases and the risk of prostate infection increases in these patients, urinary problems and sexual problems are more common.

It is stated that the most important effect of diabetes on sexual health in women is infections.

During periods of high blood sugar, vaginal and urinary system infections are more common. Another important problem is stated to be vaginal dryness.

It is pointed out that the reason for this is that neuropathy disrupts vaginal lubrication in some women and makes sexual intercourse painful and decreases desire.

It should not be forgotten that the patient's feeling tired and sluggish constantly makes sexual activity difficult.

Drug treatments, oral therapy, systemic drug therapy (testosterone), artery surgery, venous surgery, prosthetic penis insertion, vacuum-tightening devices and psychotherapy are among the most important treatment methods in eliminating sexual problems related to diabetes.

Irreversible damage to the veins and nerve endings caused by diabetes, and vascular problems caused by long-term high blood pressure can lead to insufficient drug and injection treatments.

It is stated that the radical treatment option for those with this and similar diseases that result in hardening of organic origin is the penile prosthesis, also known as the "happiness stick". Sexual medicine specialist in female patients,


Sexual performance is affected by factors such as sleep level, stress level, emotional state, environment and partner as well as physical problems.

High levels of stress, tension and anxiety; It prepares the ground for many sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and lack of sexual desire.

Since the increase in domestic tension due to economic difficulties triggers sexual dysfunctions, laboratory tests and tests may be required to find the source of the sexual problems of the patients.

Getting the help of relaxation techniques such as yoga-meditation from a stress management specialist and making an exercise plan for the patient are among the methods that can be used to solve problems.


The menopause process marks a new era that makes women feel physical and mental differences.

During this period, there is a significant increase in the number of women experiencing sexual anorexia due to hormone changes.

The number of women experiencing arousal, orgasm and pain problems is increasing significantly. It is stated that menopause is not the end of sexual life in any way, and it is possible to eliminate the problems by examining the problems of female patients in terms of gynecological, neurological, hormonal, metabolic and psychological aspects and making a correct diagnosis.


With advancing age, a process called "hormonal aging" occurs in the body. Testosterone, known as the male hormone, is produced in adults with 5-7 mg per day, starting to decrease by about 1-2 percent a year from the age of 40.

Decrease in testosterone means decrease in muscle mass and increase in fat mass. In testosterone deficiency; Problems such as sexual reluctance, decrease in sexual arousal, erectile dysfunction, decrease in the frequency of sexual intercourse, decrease in night hardening, delayed orgasm are seen.

Studies show that the frequency of sexual desire in the general population changes between 1-4 times a week and twice a month.

It can be mentioned that those who have less sexual desire than this frequency experience low sexual desire.

With some tests in men experiencing sexual anorexia; hormonal, nervous, What vascular and anatomical problems are investigated. In case of hormone deficiency and erectile dysfunction, treatments for this have positive results.

Healthy sexuality prescriptions are also needed for lifestyle factors such as metabolic diseases, excess weight, unhealthy diet, waist circumference that reduce desire.


Any problems that affect the heart vessels (diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol problem, plaque formation, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, a sedentary life, etc.) also cause damage to the vessels leading to the genital area.

Sexual problems are more common in people with this condition. Erectile dysfunction after a heart attack occurs for both physical and psychological reasons.

The drugs used and the heart pains experienced during sexuality reduce the sexual desire and cause erection problems. Oxygen consumption during sexual intercourse equates to 1-2 flights of stairs.

For this reason, it is stated that the risk of having a heart attack during or after sexual activity is very low.

According to research, the risk of a heart attack after intercourse in a healthy person is 2 in 1 million. While it is 5, this rate reaches 25 per 1 million in those who have had heart disease before.

Patients who can walk for 15-20 minutes without symptoms such as discomfort, pain, palpitations, and shortness of breath after heart disease can be called "there is no harm in sexual intercourse".

Although it is thought that the patient can usually return to sexuality after about 4 months after a heart attack, this period varies according to the patient's request, general condition level and knowledge.

Excessive eating habits and alcohol use put stress on the heart. It is necessary to wait at least 3 hours after the last meal or alcohol consumption for sexual intercourse.


This essential substance called cholesterol is used in the production of body cells and sex hormones. The problem occurs when the cholesterol is produced too much in the liver or taken from the outside more than necessary.

Excess cholesterol accumulates in the walls of the vessels and forms vascular occlusive plaques. As the vascular aging accelerates, the blood flow to the brain, eyes, kidneys and skin decreases.

Cholesterol plugs also affect the genitals and cause a series of sexual problems, especially erectile dysfunction. Vascular plaques due to excess cholesterol create complaints depending on the vein where it is formed.

For example, a blockage in the leg veins can lead to pain while walking, and a plaque formed in the heart vessels can lead to a heart attack.

The wider the vein, the more time it takes to create a serious health problem. Even if a small blockage occurs in the penile vessels around 1-2 mm, the blood flow to the penis decreases, and there is difficulty in obtaining or maintaining hardening.

In this case, the hardening quality gradually decreases and sometimes no hardening occurs.

If you are experiencing high cholesterol and are struggling with sexual problems, you can examine your penile vessels using methods such as "penis doppler".

Controlling cholesterol levels, especially lowering bad cholesterol LDL, improves the quality of erection.


A healthy diet and regular exercise are required to lower cholesterol. Different types of cholesterol drugs are used in a group of patients.

Statin group drugs protect the erection function by controlling excessively high cholesterol.

However, with high doses and long-term use, while cholesterol decreases, testosterone produced from cholesterol also decreases.

Both libido and erection loss occur in these patients. For this reason, those who use cholesterol medication for a long time should not neglect total-free testosterone tests.

It is stated that the risk of erectile dysfunction increases 3.6 times for those who use fibrate group drugs other than statins.

At this point, it should not be forgotten that the drug intake should not be refused for fear of impotence, and the dosage and the use of the drug may be changed.

In addition, attention is drawn to the fact that sexual complaints can be caused by cholesterol plaques, not drugs. When using statin drugs, it seems possible to benefit from sexual support and reduce side effects.


One out of every 4 people suffering from high blood pressure is estimated to be in US. 7 out of 10 people with high blood pressure do not receive treatment.

The most important reason for this is that high blood pressure develops over the years without any symptoms.

Because of this feature, the disease is called the "silent killer" in the medical world. In most people, complaints such as headaches, dizziness or nosebleeds do not occur until blood pressure rises to a life-threatening point.

One of the most important side effects of high blood pressure occurs in sexual life.

According to one study, half of men over the age of 40 with high blood pressure have erectile dysfunction. Both high blood pressure and the drugs used in the treatment of this disease can reduce performance.

For this reason, most of the patients avoid sexuality, worrying that their blood pressure will increase further.

Health problems due to high blood pressure can also reduce sexual power. However, with the precautions to be taken, it is possible to control high blood pressure and increase sexual motivation!

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